
Even the most straightforward installation process can meet unforeseen issues. This section offers comprehensive troubleshooting tips and solutions to common problems encountered during installation.

If you meet any troubleshooting, please contact us to have solution and to share your troubleshooting to this page.

1. Connection refused

If the server fails to start and displays a Connection refused error such as:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liquibase' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/liquibase/LiquibaseAutoConfiguration$LiquibaseConfiguration.class]: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5434 refused.

Make sure you have a clean database running without any earlier data, and start the server. You should delete your existing container docker rm syson-postgres and even the image docker rmi image-ID to ensure a fresh start.

2. Changelog not found

If the server fails to start and displays changelog.xml not found error such as:

Application run failed

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liquibase' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/liquibase/LiquibaseAutoConfiguration$LiquibaseConfiguration.class]: ERROR: The file 'classpath:db/changelog/syson.db.changelog.xml' was not found.

Make sure you have included the correct argument to your java command according to your SysON version.

Check that you are consulting the documentation version that matches the JAR version you are trying to run.

Refer to the installation-guide:how-tos/install.adoc#start-app section for detailed instructions according to your version.

3. Empty page in web browser

If you encounter an empty page while accessing to SysON through your web browser, it might be because you have installed SysON on a local server or machine and want to access it from another one.

If you open the dev tools of your web browser, you may found the following message: Uncaught TypeError: crypto.randomUUID is not a function.

4. Running docker on Mac Silicon architecture

Docker images are build to run on x86_64 architecture. If you need to run SysON docker image on a Mac Silicon architecture, please execute the following command in your terminal before executing the docker image:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64